Nazdar's 705 Series Plug and Play Inks are designed for use in the HP FB500, FB550, FB700, FB750 and FB950 printers using the HP 250 or 794 Series inks. These inks offer exceptional compatibility, quality and cost effectiveness, combined with a seamless conversion process.
Closely color matched and chemically compatible with the HP250 and 794 ink set, users can save both time and money by switching one color at a time. Flushing, purging, or re-profiling is not necessary when transitioning to Nazdar 705 series due to the accurate color reproduction capabilities of the ink set.
- 2 Full set of ink cartridges (2 ea CMYK + 4 Whites)
- 6 Cleaning cartridges
- 1 Gallon of Dark Pretreatment
- 1 Gallon of Light Pretreatment
- Liter of Cleaning Solution
- 50 Swab Pack
- 25 Pack of Kraft Release Paper
- Extra Dampers, Waste Pads and Wiper
- Aerosol Pretreatment Spray Can

Nazdar's 705 Series Plug and Play Inks are designed for use in the HP FB500, FB550, FB700, FB750 and FB950 printers using the HP 250 or 794 Series inks. These inks offer exceptional compatibility, quality and cost effectiveness, combined with a seamless conversion process.
Closely color matched and chemically compatible with the HP250 and 794 ink set, users can save both time and money by switching one color at a time. Flushing, purging, or re-profiling is not necessary when transitioning to Nazdar 705 series due to the accurate color reproduction capabilities of the ink set.
- 2 Full set of ink cartridges (2 ea CMYK + 4 Whites)
- 6 Cleaning cartridges
- 1 Gallon of Dark Pretreatment
- 1 Gallon of Light Pretreatment
- Liter of Cleaning Solution
- 50 Swab Pack
- 25 Pack of Kraft Release Paper
- Extra Dampers, Waste Pads and Wiper
- Aerosol Pretreatment Spray Can

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla.
Pellentesque aliquet, sem eget laoreet ultrices, ipsum metus feugiat sem, quis fermentum turpis eros eget velit. Donec ac tempus ante. Fusce ultricies massa massa. Fusce aliquam, purus eget sagittis vulputate, sapien libero hendrerit est, sed commodo augue nisi non neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tempor, lorem et placerat vestibulum, metus nisi posuere nisl, in accumsan elit odio quis mi. Cras neque metus, consequat et blandit et, luctus a nunc. Etiam gravida vehicula tellus, in imperdiet ligula euismod eget.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla. Donec a neque libero. Pellentesque aliquet, sem eget laoreet ultrices, ipsum metus feugiat sem, quis fermentum turpis eros eget velit. Donec ac tempus ante. Fusce ultricies massa massa.