Allureglow USA CLA-100 Low Cure & Adhesion Additive - 10oz

  • Brand: Lee's Supply
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Add CLA-100 to HSA (High Solids Acrylic) water based inks to drastically speed up the curing process and lower the curing temperature. CLA-100 is ideal for screen printers printing on dye migrating polyester fabrics, or for those using non-optimal curing sources. When CLA-100 is mixed into the ink, it lowers the curing temperature from 320º to as low as 180º Fahrenheit. Since the curing temperature is lowered, you can use less heat which not only saves energy but also helps prevent dye migration when printing on polyester fabrics.

Mixing Info

Use gloves and eye production while mixing. Add 1.5% CLA-100 to ink by weight. Mix well to ensure CLA-100 is fully dispersed into the ink. Once mixed, the ink has a shelf life of 24 hours. All leftover ink should be cleaned from the screen and disposed of.

Storage Info

Keep container tightly sealed. Store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Under normal conditions, CLA-100 is stable for 6 months. Protect from frost and keep away from heat.



  • Can be added to water based inks
  • Lowers cure temperature from 320F to 180F
  • Once mixed, ink has a 24 hour shelf life
  • Add 1.5% CLA-100 to ink by weight

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